Korah & Judah litter
​Dear Stacy,
We haven’t talked lately. But I wanted you to know how much I love you guys and how much I love baby Koa! He is my best friend! I hope all of you are doing well and I hope all of the dogs are doing well. Trust me I would still like a female puppy from you all!
Koa is huge, with an enormous scary bark. However, he is my big baby! LOL. He loves to whine and cry and try to make you feel sorry for him.
He also unlocks my sliding glass door and opens it to let himself outside.
He is so smart! And you won’t believe this, but when he cries at me in the morning he actually says the word, Mama.
I miss you guys, call me or email me when you can.
Katrina K.
From Chicago.
P. S. I want you to know how much I really enjoyed staying with y’all!
You are my family away from home!
Love, Kat
Daisy (Leila & Judah pup)
# 4 pup
Hey Stacy,
Just wanted to touch base and give you an update. Daisy,is doing great and is such a love. Very affectionate and a little bossy with the boys.
​She has incorporated into the pack with ease. I'm so glad I got her. She has brought me and the kids so much joy. I would love to get another female before I move.
​ You raise such quality, intelligent and well tempered GSDs.
I hope you never quit!
Keep me in mind for future litters!!
​ Thanks again,
Wayne C.
Ecko is amazing!!
(Kimba and Judah pup)
I do not believe I can put into words the appreciation I feel to you for breeding and training such amazing puppies. Ecko is 6 months now and I have never raised a puppy that is so smart, respectful and fun.
The fact that he knew to sit and wait at 8 weeks is priceless. I have never felt his sharp baby teeth thanks to you. Since I have raised approximately 25 puppies this is saying a lot.
He is not afraid of much but he thinks through situations very carefully. While he is a typical shepherd that wants to stay close to his person he is not desperately clingy as many are. Ecko makes my 12th GSD and I have fostered many more but I have never had a dog that is this close to perfect. We are currently doing dog class with him and he quickly picks up any new challenge. Did I mention how smart he is, well he is brilliant.
​ Again, I can not thank you enough for my best friend.
Maura T.